Private company valuations: discount for marketability and control premium

An example private company Employee Share Scheme Plan valuation

If the ATO safe harbour rules are unavailable for your Employee Share Scheme, you will likely need a valuation of the options or shares that are to be issued. This involves an assessment of the business value and equity (share) value of your company. This all needs to...
Private company valuations: discount for marketability and control premium

Derivatives valuation (AASB139 financial instruments)

The need for a derivatives valuation An exploration and mining company had funded a significant portion of its pre-IPO development costs via multiple series of converting or convertible instruments (mezzanine debt/equity) over several years. As an unlisted public...
Private company valuations: discount for marketability and control premium

Acquisition reporting (AASB3 business combinations)

The need for acquisition reporting An unlisted public company involved in the fast-moving consumer goods industry acquired a strategically-significant company and required a purchase price allocation to comply with AASB3 Business Combinations. The acquired company had...