Valuation for impairment testing (AASB136)

Valuation for impairment testing (AASB136)

The need for valuation impairment testing Purchased goodwill reflected on the balance sheet of an ASX company is required by AASB136 to be recorded at an amount which is no more than recoverable amount. The goodwill of each Cash Generating Unit [“CGU”] must be...
Valuation for impairment testing (AASB136)

Executive long term incentive plan (AASB2 Share based payment)

The need for an executive long term incentive plan Each year, an ASX300 company offers an executive long term incentive plan [“ELTIP”] to its senior executive team as part of their remuneration package. This is commonplace and ELTIP is one of three remuneration...
Valuation for impairment testing (AASB136)

Case studies: Valuation Reports

Its not often we can share the work we do in a public fashion. Independent expert reports prepared for Chapter 6 of the Corporations Act and ASX listing rules are a rare exception. Here are two recent examples of work undertaken by the Peloton Corporate valuations...
What is an equity valuation – and why is it so complicated?

What is an equity valuation – and why is it so complicated?

An equity valuation aims to mimic the price that would be observed in a marketplace in which the business or equity would trade if it were listed in that marketplace. That marketplace (e.g., ASX) aims to provide to buyers, sellers, brokers and advisers with sufficient...